No, this site won’t auto-generate your program in a few clicks. That would be terribly wrong. What you’ll find though, is a comprehensive set of applicable resources & testimonials to build a tailored, relevant and scalable partner program.
Oh and that’s true for partner portals too. We love a good portal.
Key steps to building a solid partner program
Guiding principles
- Do no harm
Every investment you do should, in the end, benefit the customer. - Build trust: be open and transparent
This includes all your marketing material and information. Make sure that partners have all the information they need to become successful. - Be a feedback junkie
There is always room for improvement. - Make yearly adjustment
While your curricula can evolve up to twice a year, your program should change only on a yearly basis. It’s that hard to get the message across, you don’t want to become inaudible.
…and keep an eye on the usual suspects for partner programs not living up to the expectations.
Oh, one more thing!
- Why is your program failing?We’ve all been there. You know all the tricks in the book but for some reason, your channel mix isn’t going up significantly. The leadership is starting to question the investments & commitment made. You…